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The Governing Body provides strategic leadership and holds the school to account for overall performance.  They are responsible for making sure the school provides good quality education and that finances and resources are managed effectively. The Governing Body is:

  • Accountable for the performance of the school.
  • Plans the school’s future direction.
  • Carefully monitor the school budget.
  • Makes decisions on staffing and staffing levels.
  • Ensures the curriculum is broad, balanced and relevant.
  • Monitors how the school provides for all its pupils, including those with special educational needs.

The Local Governing Body reports to the Board of Trustees and is made up of Community, Parent and Staff Governors as well as the Headteacher.

The Local Governing Body usually meets four times a year. Particular areas of focus are delegated to a local Committee as follows:

  • Curriculum, Teaching & Learning and Student Welfare
  • Admissions

This committee is formally constituted by terms of reference and comprises appropriately qualified and experienced members.  Reports of activities and discussions undertaken by the Committee are given at Local Governing Body meetings.   

To contact the Chair of Glenthorne Governing Body, please write to Mr K Mohr, c/o Clerk to the governors, Glenthorne High School, Sutton Common Road, Sutton, SM3 9PS or email

GHS School Entrance with Willow Tree Carving

Local Governing Body

Governors Meeting Attendance