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Attendance - Procedure For Planned And On The Day Of Absence

Glenthorne High School aims to raise the achievement of all its pupils and to ensure that all pupils can thrive, feel safe, enjoy their education and are prepared for their future. The school recognises that attendance is a critical factor in pupil success. It therefore aims to achieve exceptionally high attendance levels for all pupils so they can thrive and succeed.


If a pupil is going to be absent from school due to sickness or a medical appointment, parents must inform the school using only the school absence line via the school switchboard (option 2) by 8.25am. Parents should contact the school through the above method each day the pupil is going to be absent including where absence is on consecutive days. The Attendance Officer will process all absence as soon as possible each morning.

We ask that parents organise medical appointments wherever possible outside of school hours and term time.

The school will not authorise holidays during term time. The school is clear that leave of absence during term time should be avoided as it can have a damaging effect on a pupil’s education and overall achievement. The Head teacher's decision on what is exceptional will be final.

Encouraging Good Attendance

The school will ensure all opportunities are utilised to promote and celebrate attendance. These will include, but will not be limited to:

  • Striving to make the school a welcoming and caring environment
  • Rewards
  • Assemblies
  • Attendance Clubs
  • Using parents evening to celebrate good attendance and raise any concerns
  • Including attendance in reports sent to parents


Penalty Notices

The school will refer pupils to the local authority where continuous absence affects a pupil’s overall attendance. The Attendance and Welfare Officer will refer pupils when attendance falls below 85% (with 6 or more of the absences being recorded as unauthorised for any 6-week period) or there is persistent absence (see below). This could result in parent(s)/carer(s) being issued with a Penalty Notice and further legal action.


For further information regarding attendance, please consult the Attendance Policy.