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The SEND department at Glenthorne is fully committed to supporting the needs of pupils who experience difficulties with:

  • Cognition and learning,
  • Language and communication,
  • Social, emotional or mental health factors and
  • Physical or sensory skills. 

We offer a wide provision of intervention and support to meet the needs of pupils with these difficulties. 

All pupils attend the full mainstream curriculum, with support as required.  Glenthorne has a provision for four pupils per year with an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) with ASD identified as the prime need.  These pupils attend the full range of activities and courses provided by the school, with support as required.  They are not taught separately from other pupils. 

The SEND department consists of the SENCO, two Assistant SENCO's, an administrative assistant and 20 teaching assistants.  The teaching assistants work within subject-specific areas according to their backgrounds and expertise.  The department is overseen by the Deputy Headteacher. 

Information about pupil needs and support is shared with parents and teachers through SEN Support Plans.  Progress is reviewed regularly by subject teachers, heads of the year, the SENCO and the SEND team. SEN Support Plans are reviewed three times per year and the provision is amended as needs change. 

We offer support for pupils requiring additional help with homework activities and GCSE assignments. 

Access arrangements for examinations are provided for all eligible candidates in both internal and external examinations across all key stages, in line with JCQ regulations. 

View the Sutton Local Offer