Health & Social Care
Curriculum Aims:
Study of this sector at Key Stage 4 will complement GCSE study through providing an opportunity for practical application alongside conceptual study. The qualification will broaden learners’ experience and understanding of the varied progression options available to them as there are also strong opportunities for post-16 progression in this important sector.
Health and Social Care envisages all pupils securing excellent vocational qualification outcomes, whilst allowing the development of strong academic and employment-focused skills which will benefit them in all areas of future education, employment and training. Pupils will develop a powerful and broad knowledgebase, making links with other curriculum areas and wider life, giving them a future advantage in society.
Ultimately, the curriculum will form employable young people who have the opportunities, motivation and self-confidence to become life-long learners who play a useful role in the world and may aspire to be a part of one of the fastest growing sectors in the UK.
Click on the links below to view each file:
Teaching Staff
Mrs M Dale
Subject Leader Health & Social Care
Year 9: 4 lessons per fortnight
Mini Projects: A mixture of building study skills for the future and Component 1 Human Lifespan and Development.
BTEC Health and Social Care
Exam Board: Pearsons Edexcel
Year 10: 5 lessons per fortnight
Year 11: 5 lessons per fortnight
BTEC Extended Certificate Health and Social Care
Exam Board: Pearsons Edexcel
Year 12: 9 lessons per fortnight, 1 assessment period
Year 13: 9 lessons per fortnight, 1 assessment period