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In-Year Admission: Years 7 to 11

Glenthorne High School is part of Sutton Local Authority’s Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for In-Year Admissions.  Applications for admission to Year 7 after 1st September each year and for admission into Years 8 to 11 can be made by contacting Sutton Admissions by visiting to enquire about the application process.  If you wish to apply for a place at Glenthorne High School, you must name the school as one of your preference on the In-Year Application form.  Details of any application listing Glenthorne as a preference will be sent to the school and the applicants, if a place is not available, will be placed on the waiting list according to the In-Year Admissions criteria

Children applying for a place in Year 7 after 1st September each year will not take the English and Maths Banding Tests and will be included on the Year 7 In-Year waiting list which will be ranked in accordance with the order of priority outlined in paragraph 1.4 of the Admissions Policy only.

Waiting lists will be maintained each year and reviewed at least twice a year and will be based upon the over-subscription criteria outlined in the admissions arrangements which were applicable when that year's group originally entered Year 7.  For the new Year 7 intake, the waiting list will be reviewed at the end of the Autumn Term, after which time banding and the Worcester Park criteria will cease to apply.

Further workshops will be arranged as and when a vacancy arises for an Aptitude Place.  Any applicants scoring 32 or above will be allocated a place or put on the ranked waiting list according to their score in the aptitude test.  Applicants will be required to complete the In-Year application form in addition to the supplementary form for the Performing Arts.

Parents/carers have a statutory right to appeal if a place cannot be offered.  The deadline for lodging an appeal is 20 days from the date parents/carers received notification that their application was unsuccessful.  An appeal form is available from the school upon written request.  Please write to Mrs Bedford, Admissions Manager at to request the appeals form and advice booklet.  Appeals will be heard by an Independent Appeals Panel and must be heard within 30 days.  Appellants will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of the date of their appeal hearing.