September 2026
Admissions for September 2026 Entry: Year 7
Glenthorne High School is part of the Pan London Co-ordinated Admissions Scheme for Secondary admissions. Parents must complete their Home Local Authority (LA) Common Application Form (CAF) and return it to their Home Local Authority by the closing date. Sutton’s CAF is available in Sutton’s Starting School booklet or online at Sutton Gov Admissions. If you wish to apply for a place at Glenthorne, you must name the school as one of your preferences on the CAF.
Open Evening information and admission criteria are published in the Sutton Admission Booklet. Further information is available on the school’s website.
The School will use the following timetable for the Academic Year 2025-26 which, wherever possible, will fit in with the common timetable agreed by the Sutton Admissions Forum or LA.
September 2025 | The on-line web form for the 24 selective places based on aptitude in the Performing Arts must be completed by midnight on Friday 19th September 2025. |
October 2025 |
All applicants for the aptitude places in the Performing Arts will be invited to attend the Workshop Day on Saturday 11th October 2025 if the on-line web form is completed in full, including a photo of the applicant, which will be used for identification purposes only during registration for the tests and will not be used for any other reason. All parents/carers who wish to register their children for the English and Maths banding tests must fully complete the on-line web form by Friday 31st October 2025. The registration process is open from Tuesday 1st July 2025. |
November 2025 |
Sutton LA will notify the school of every application received for the school. All applicants unable to sit the English and Maths banding tests on Saturday 22nd November 2025 due to illness or holiday will be invited to a second and final testing opportunity on Friday 28th November 2025. There will be no other opportunities to sit the tests beyond this date. Applicants who have not registered by 31st October 2025 will not be invited to attend the English and Maths banding tests. |
January 2026 | The School will provide Sutton LA with an electronic list of applicants in criteria order. |
March 2026 | Offer letters will be issued by the applicant’s home LA. The deadline for acceptance of a place is two weeks from the offer date. |
The school has 247 places available in Year 7, including children with an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP). Included within this figure are:
- Children with an EHCP which names Glenthorne High School will be allocated a place before other applicants are considered.
- A maximum of 4 places in the ASD Base for pupils Statemented with mild ASD. ASD Base admissions must meet the following criteria:
- Pupils must have an EHCP identifying Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC) as the prime need.
- Pupils have demonstrated, within primary education, that they can access a mainstream education.
- In cases of over-subscription, priority will be given to Sutton residents.
Please see the full ASC Base admissions criteria in Appendix A.
All children with an EHCP which names Glenthorne High School will be allocated a place in the band in which they fall, regardless of whether the number of places within that child’s band have been exceeded.
Looked After Children (CLA) and Previously Looked After Children (CPLA)
Looked After Children, or previously Looked After Children who were previously looked after but, immediately after being looked after, became subject to an adoption, child arrangement or special guardianship order, including those who appear to the Admissions Authority to have been in state care outside of England and creased to be in state care as a result of being adopted, will be given the highest priority in our over-subscription criteria. A looked after child is a child who is (a) in the care of a Local Authority, or (b) being provided with accommodation by a Local Authority in the exercise of their social services functions (Section 22(1) of the Children Act 1989).
The children in their priority group will be ranked in their band in order of the proximity of their home address to Glenthorne High School, with the closest having the highest priority at the time of application. All children in this priority group will be allocated a band regardless of whether the number of places within that child’s band has been exceeded.
Aptitude Places
Up to 24 places will be allocated to children with an aptitude in the Performing Arts (Music, Dance or Drama). Where all 24 Aptitude Places are not filled, the remaining places will be added to the other places available. Please refer to Appendix C for further details.
Children applying for an Aptitude Place may also be considered for banded places if they sit the English and Maths banding tests outlined above. Applicants who are unsuccessful in gaining an Aptitude Place will be considered in accordance with the order of priority outlined below.
The remaining 223 places will be allocated to children using a “banding system”, including any children on the ASC Base, children with an EHCP, Looked After Children or Previously Looked After Children as shown above. All applicants will be tested and placed in one of nine ability bands based on their test results. The nine bands will be based on locally standardised results in an English and a Maths test. The “banding system” is used to ensure a comprehensive intake of children of all abilities into Year 7. It is not used to select children with a higher ability over those with a lower ability. Once children have been placed in the band which accords to their test results, the mark will not be considered any further during the admission process.
Pupils taking the English and Maths banding tests will be given priority, so it is imperative that all pupils seeking a place at the school sit the English and Maths banding tests. The school will make reasonable adjustments to ensure that the Banding Tests are accessible to children with Special Needs and Disabilities (SEND). In exceptional circumstances, in the case of inability to sit the English and Maths tests due to serious illness or a learning disability or difficulty, proxy indicators of ability from the Primary School will be used. Once the results are known, the children will be placed in one of nine bands (devised using locally standardised results) according to their results as follows:
Band | Test Result |
Band 1 | Below 74 |
Band 2 | 75-81 |
Band 3 | 82-88 |
Band 4 | 89-96 |
Band 5 | 97-103 |
Band 6 | 104-111 |
Band 7 | 112-118 |
Band 8 | 119-126 |
Band 9 | Above 126 |
Places available are distributed between each of the nine bands. Indicative percentages / numbers below are based on a proportionate spread representative of the range of ability of applicants for the school:
Band | Percentage Of Places | Number of Available Places | Number of Available Places Under Worcester Park Places |
Band 1 | 4% | 8 | 1 |
Band 2 | 7% | 14 | 2 |
Band 3 | 12% | 23 | 3 |
Band 4 | 17% | 33 | 5 |
Band 5 | 20% | 40 | 5 |
Band 6 | 17% | 33 | 5 |
Band 7 | 12% | 23 | 3 |
Band 8 | 7% | 14 | 2 |
Band 9 | 4% | 8 | 1 |
Total | 100% | 196 | 27 |
Order of Priority / Over-Subscription within Each Band
After children in the ASC Base, any children with an EHCP, Looked After or Previously Looked After Children as described in the sections above, the remaining children will be ranked in the band in which they fall in the following order of priority:
Priority 1:
Children with Exceptional Medical or Social Reasons for attending Glenthorne High School
Children with exceptional medical or exceptional social reasons for attendance at Glenthorne High School, rather than at any other school, where the applicant can show that Glenthorne High school is the most suitable school to meet the child’s stated needs, and can outline what the difficulties would be if the child had to attend another school, will be ranked in the band in which they fall.
Applications must be in writing and can be supported by written evidence professional evidence for example, from a Social Worker, a Health Visitor, a Housing Officer, the Police, a Probation Officer, a Doctor or a Hospital Consultant. Applications will be assessed by the Local Governing Body against a set of criteria.
The children in this priority group will rank in their band in order of the proximity of their home address to Glenthorne High School, with the closest having the highest priority.
Priority 2:
Children of Permanent Staff Employed by Glenthorne High School
Children of permanent staff will be ranked in the band in which they fall where;
- The member of staff has been employed at Glenthorne High School for two or more consecutive years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made; or
- The member of staff employed by the school has been recruited to fill a vacant post for which there is a demonstrable skill shortage.
The children in this priority group will be ranked in their band in order of the proximity of their home address to Glenthorne High School, with the closest having the highest priority.
Priority 3:
Children with a Sibling at Glenthorne High School
Children who have a sibling at Glenthorne High School at the time of expected admission to the school will be ranked in the band in which they fall.
The children in this priority group will be ranked in their band in order of the proximity of their home address to Glenthorne High School, with the closest having the highest priority.
The term sibling includes a brother or sister, a half-brother or half-sister, an adopted brother or sister, a step-brother or step-sister, or the child of the parent or carer’s partner. In all cases, the sibling must live as part of the same family unit as the child for whom a place is sought, at the same address from Monday to Friday each week.
Where a sibling is in Year 11 or Year 12 at the time of application, they will be deemed as being in the school at the time of admission, unless their parents have specifically expressed that they will not be continuing into the following academic year.
Priority 4:
Children Living in Proximity to Glenthorne High School
Children will be ranked in the band in which they fall, on the basis of the proximity of the home address to Glenthorne High School, with those living closer having the highest priority. The distance is measured in a straight line from the main front door of the school to the child’s home address.
Children Living 1.5 Kilometres or Under to the Specified Junction
Children living 1.5 kilometres or under from the junction of Langley Avenue, Boscombe Road, Dorchester Road and Clarkes Avenue in Worcester Park (the “Specified Junction”) will be ranked in the band in which they fall, and places will be allocated within each band prior to the allocation of remaining places subject to a maximum of 27 places. The distance will be measured in a straight line from the centre of the junction where the four roads intersect to the front door of the child’s home address, with those children living closer to that point receiving higher priority.
Home Address and Distance Calculation
The home address is where the child normally lives. Where a child lives with parents with shared parental responsibility, each for part of a week, the address where the child lives is determined using a joint declaration from the parents stating the pattern of residence. If a child’s residence is split equally between both parents, then the parents will be asked to determine which residential address should be used for the purpose of admission to the school. If no joint declaration is received and the residence is split equally by the closing date for applications, the home address will be determined to be the address where the child is registered with the Doctor. However, all evidence will be taken into account. If the residence is not split equally between both parents, then the address used will be the address where the child spends the majority of the school week. In some cases, where distance is a relevant factor in admission decisions, a different address may be used if a family unit owns or has access to another property.
If an address of convenience is found to have been used, the Home Local Authority will determine the address to be used based on the evidence found in their investigations. Where this address or preference schools fall within another Local Authority, they may be consulted in their decision.
All school admission applications for school places are subject to address checks to ensure school places are allocated fairly and in accordance with published admission arrangements. These checks will be conducted by the Home Local Authority using council systems, agencies, fraud departments, other education settings, or other resources available to them. Where a fraudulent address or an address of convenience is found to have been used, the application and any subsequent offer may be withdrawn, and this may be the case even if the child has started at the school.
With the exception of UK service personnel and crown servants, applicants living outside of England may only submit an application if they have linked an address with the Local Authority area, and documentary evidence must be supplied to show they will return to the address prior to the September in the year of entry; this address must not be an address of convenience.
If you change address after completing your application, you must notify your Home Local Authority and provide evidence of the new address.
All distances will be measured using a computerised Geographical Information System maintained by the home Local Authority.
Where the order of priority between two children cannot be established because they live an equal distance from Glenthorne High School (or from the Specified Junction), the order of priority in which these children will be ranked will be decided by the drawing of lots. This process will be supervised by someone independent of the school. A fresh round of random allocation will be used each time a child is to be offered a place from the waiting list.
For the avoidance of doubt, this tiebreaker will apply to two children applying to enter Year 7 in the same academic year who live at the same address (for example, twins or step-siblings).
Appeal Arrangements for September 2026 Entry
The national date of Transfer to Secondary School offers is Monday 2nd March 2026. If you are not offered a place at Glenthorne High School, you have a statutory right of appeal under the School Standards & Framework Act 1998. If you wish to appeal, please write to Mrs L Bedford, Admissions Manager at to request the appeal forms and advice booklet.
Glenthorne High School is an Academy in charge of its own admission arrangements with the responsibility of arranging appeal hearings. The members of the Appeal Panel are independent of the school in line with the Admissions Appeal Code.
The deadline for the submission of completed appeal forms is Friday 27th March 2026.
Appeals for September 2026 entry will be heard within 40 school days of the appeals' deadline. Appeals received after this date, where possible, will be heard; however, this will depend on the date the appeal is lodged and cannot be guaranteed. Where it is not possible to hear these appeals, the appeal will be heard as quickly as possible, but appeals lodged after Friday 22nd May 2026, will not be heard by the end of the Summer Term.
Appellants will receive at least 10 days’ notice of the date of their appeal hearing and decision letters will be sent out within five school days of the date of the last hearing.
Admissions Appeals for Years 7 to 11 (After 1st September 2026)
Parents/carers have a statutory right to appeal if a place cannot be offered. The deadline for lodging an appeal is 20 days from the date parents/carers received notification that their application was unsuccessful. An appeal form is available from the school upon written request. Please write to Mrs Bedford, Admissions Manager at to request the appeals form and advice booklet. Appeals will be heard by an Independent Appeals Panel and must be heard within 30 days. Appellants will receive at least 10 school days’ notice of the date of their appeal hearing.
In-Year Admissions for Years 7 to 11 (After 1st September 2026)
For admissions to Year 7 after 1st September 2026 and for admission into Years 8 to 11, please refer to the In-Year Admission page.